Reopening of Hwy. 119 will take time, funding

An NPJ reader asked for more information regarding the closure of a portion of Hwy. 119 in South Natchitoches Parish. This section is located in front of Magnolia Plantation. The road closed in June and has yet to be reopened. The citizens on Hwy. 119 and Hwy. 484 receive their fire protection and first responders from Cloutierville. This closure means it takes these first responders around 15 minutes longer to reach some residents’ homes.

A DOTD representative told the NPJ that they understand this situation has created an inconvienece for many residents in the area, but safety has to be top priority. The road is not abandoned, however, it won’t be a quick fix, or a cheap one.

DOTD is addressing this issue, but no timeline can be provided for the reopening of the road. Repairs will be expensive (several million) and no funding has been identified for the project yet. Also, the land belongs to a private owner, so DOTD is working with them to figure out a solution.

The roadway embankment slide means the integrity of the road is compromised. The ground supporting the roadway is failing and giving way.

Some residents thought the Cane River Waterway Commission could be approached to help fund this project, but the section of road in question is outside of their jurisdiction.

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