Gabe Firment State Rep Announcement

Dear Citizens of Natchitoches Parish:

My name is Gabe Firment and I am running for LA state representative in District 22 in 2019 because I am gravely concerned about our state and what the future holds for our children and grandchildren. The state of Louisiana has been blessed with abundant natural resources and is home to the greatest people in the world, however, decades of mismanagement, corruption, and good ole boy politics have decimated our communities and forced our family members to flee to other states to make a decent living. As your next state representative I will fight to bring jobs and opportunity to District 22, and will work tirelessly to make sure that the American dream is still attainable for anyone with a strong work ethic and a drive to succeed.

I am happily married to the former Erica Miller of Pollock, who is a 5th grade teacher at Pollock Elementary School. We are the proud parents of 3 children, all of whom are enrolled in Grant Parish public schools. I have over 20 years of experience in the insurance and construction industries, and I have been a small business owner for more than 10 years. My family attends Pollock First Baptist Church where I am honored to serve as a deacon and Sunday School teacher. In addition to my service in our local church, I am an active member of the LaSalle/Grant camp of the Gideons International, and I have coached youth sports in Grant Parish for several years. I have a Bachelors degree in Public Administration from Louisiana College, and a Masters of Business Administration from LA Tech University.

I am a true conservative who is sick and tired of politicians in Baton Rouge raising taxes on the hard-working middle class citizens of District 22 in order to grow government and further their personal agendas. Our local governmental officials are struggling to secure funding for failing water systems, crumbling roadways, and school safety while our elected officials in Baton Rouge are wasting billions of dollars on failed social welfare programs. As your state representative I will work with our elected officials in Grant, LaSalle, Natchitoches, Red River, and Winn parishes to find solutions to these problems. I have the experience, education, and determination to fight for good government that works for all people and communities in District 22.

It is time for us to kick the career bureaucrats out of Baton Rouge and turn our state legislature over to men and women who will demand accountability, transparency, and fiscal responsibility from state government. If elected to serve as your state representative I will bring strong leadership, integrity, and common sense to the state capitol. Please join me on October 12, 2019 as we drain the swamp in Baton Rouge and give the people of this great state a government of the people, by the people, and for the people!

For additional information about our campaign please call or text (318)201-6769, email or check out social media –

Thank you for your support!

Gabe Firment