Current Census Statistics for Natchitoches Parish: Census determines funding for hospitals, schools, and more

The U.S. Census Bureau currently lists Natchitoches Parish at 35.9%
self-response participation rate. The statewide current response rate is
42.7%. The national current response rate is 46.2%. These figures are
updated daily at The census determines funding for schools, hospitals, housing, roads, and more.

As of April 6th, the following cities/towns/villages in Natchitoches Parish
were trending at:

* Ashland 8.5%

* Campti 27.9%

* Clarence 17.4%

* Goldonna 39.2%

* Natchez 13.8%

* Powhatan 7.7%

* Provencal 6.1%

* Robeline 11.7%

* Natchitoches 36.1%

To make sure that you and your family are counted in the census, visit . The deadline to submit your
response has been extended to August 14th.

The Natchitoches Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to making the
Natchitoches area a thriving business community by promoting commerce,
strengthening people, and improving lives.

One thought on “Current Census Statistics for Natchitoches Parish: Census determines funding for hospitals, schools, and more

  1. I encourage every Natchitoches resident to complete the census. We need 100% participation. Allocation of money from both the Federal and State governments is made based on population for many, most, grants. We intend to pursue capital outlay money for our roads. If we would like to qualify for as much as possible, we need a complete compliance with the census.

    Also, landlords, please encourage your renters, including NSU students, to complete the census. It is based on place of residence as of April 15, 2020 (I think that’s right). Every physical address received a mailing from the US Census Bureau and it should be completed by whoever is residing there at this time.

    This is just one piece of the puzzle to provide for the needs in the parish, and I ask you for your participation. Thanks.

    Jim Kilcoyne
    Parish Council District 3

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